Cover papers
List of publications
43 articles in peer-reviewed journals
5 international conferences proceedings
4 Book chapters
Most significant publications

Elaboration of Nanoparticles (click for more details)
- Characterization of liposome-containing SPIONs conjugated with anti-CD20 developed as a novel theranostic agent for central nervous system lymphoma (open archive)
- Syntheses of cross-linked polymeric superparamagnetic beads with tunable properties (open archive)
- Synthesis of titanate nanotubes directly coated with USPIO in hydrothermal conditions: a new detectable nanocarrier (open archive)
- One step continuous hydrothermal synthesis of very fine stabilized superparamagnetic nanoparticles of magnetite (open archive)

Biological interactions of Nanoparticles (click for more details)
- Anti-Platelet effect Induced by Iron Oxide Nanoparticles: Correlation with Conformational Change in Fibrinogen (open archive)
- Innovative magnetic nanoparticles for PET/MRI bimodal imaging (open archive)
- Effects of PVA coated nanoparticles on human immune cells (open archive)
- Influence of surface charge and polymer coating on internalization and biodistribution of PEG-modified iron oxide nanoparticles (open archive)

Proteins / Nanoparticles interactions (click for more details)
- Identification of the Proteins Determining the Blood Circulation Time of Nanoparticles (open archive)
- Significance of surface charge and shell material of Super-paramagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) based core/shell nanoparticles on the composition of the protein corona (open archive) Biomaterials Science 10th Anniversary: Top papers from Europe
- Ex situ evaluation of the composition of protein corona of intravenously injected superparamagnetic nanoparticles in rats (open archive)
- Protein Corona Composition of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles with Various Physico-Chemical Properties and Coatings (open archive)

Nanoparticles in the Lung:
Environmental Exposure and Drug Delivery
Edited by Akira Tsuda and Peter Gehr
Section VI:Special Issues
Chapter 16: Physicochemical, Colloidal, and Transport Properties
(pages 251-266)
Heinrich Hofmann, Lionel Maurizi, Marie-Gabrielle Beuzelin, Usawadee Sakulkhu and Vianney Bernau
December 19, 2014 by CRC Press – 403 Pages
ISBN 9781439892794
Unraveling the Safety Profile of Nanoscale Particles and Materials
From Biomedical to Environmental Applications
Edited by Andreia C. Gomes and Marisa P. Sarria
Chapter 2
Toxicological Risk Assessment of Emerging Nanomaterials: Cytotoxicity, Cellular Uptake, Effects on Biogenesis and Cell Organelle Activity, Acute Toxicity and Biodistribution of Oxide Nanoparticles (pages 17-36)
Lionel Maurizi, Anne-Laure Papa, Julien Boudon, Sruthi Sudhakaran, Benoit Pruvost, David Vandroux, Johanna Chluba, Gerard Lizard and Nadine Millot
March, 2018 by InTech – 172 Pages
ISBN 9789535139409

Edited by Philippe B. Wilson and Martin Grootveld
Chapter 8
Solid State Chemistry: Computational Chemical Analysis for Materials Science
(pages 287-334)
Estelina Lora da Silva, Sandra Galmarini, Lionel Maurizi, Mario Jorge Cesar dos Santos, Tao Yang, David J. Cooke and Marco Molinari
2021 by RSC – 365 Pages
ISBN 978-1-78801-461-8
New Trends in Macromolecular and Supramolecular Chemistry for Biological Applivations
Edited by Marc J.M. Abadie, Mariane Pinteala, Alexandru Rotaru
Chapter 8
Development of Novel Versatile Theranostic Platforms Based on Titanate Nanotubes: Towards safe Nanocarriers for Biomedical Applications
(pages 151-178)
Julien Boudon, Fadoua Sallem, Alexis Loiseau, Lionel Maurizi, Anne-Laure Papa and Nadine Millot
2021 by Springer – 371 Pages ISBN 978-3-030-57456-7